Hey you!
I recently published a new song on NewGrounds. You can listen to it here. This is the main track of my upcoming album called "Bloodmoon" which I will release later this year. Hope you enjoy my new song! Below are links to it on Spotify, Google Play and Apple Music.
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/track/5yH584tFZZYWlpFYMQvaJB?si=wGWdB60gRxmgiuty_V41_w
GOOGLE PLAY: https://play.google.com/store/music/album?id=Bkwzig2abjfckrx4nsubbcmeamq&tid=song-Tk7z2phgecjpmnpdrrbpox2jc4e&hl=en
APPLE MUSIC: https://music.apple.com/us/album/bloodmoon-single/1493577877
Ooh can’t wait to listen to it dude