Good work and melody! This more of a breakbeat-ish track than DnB imo. (:
Good work and melody! This more of a breakbeat-ish track than DnB imo. (:
Yeah I know but there isn't a breakbeat genre on NG is there?
Great work dude! :O Really liking the calming sphere. Some wubs and some chiptunes were good mixed! Also the intro is so fine!
10/10 so well done!
Thanks mate, I appreciate the kind words :D:D
Nice work! Cool melody! Well played guitar at 1:12 :O Amazing sound lol.
I hope for you guys to get some better microphones for recording. Sometimes the sound is peaking a
bit, like at 2:16. By the way, I make sure I follow you guys when I'm notified!
endergaym lel pls
What is a Tron? But overall so relaxing lol! Not really looping that good lol.
Yea exactly i will do something about the loop issue. Tron is a movie from the 80s but they remade it in 2010 i believe and called it; Tron: Legacy.
wow sytrus pls. many dance but hapy birday to that person you meant. lel.
LOOOOOOL OH GAWD NOT YOU TOO. xD I'd hoped you wouldn't stumble upon this. :P Very despair, much sad.
Hmm nice part at 0:30-0:40. Overall well done!
Thank you! :D
Hmm nice guitars dude. What you used ? Fl slayer? Sounds good! :D
Thanks. I used a sampled guitar pack for Kontakt called Yamaha Pacifica by Theok, and Guitar Rig 5. I'd get Shreddage 2, but it's too expensive.