Nice and catchy beat! The transitions could be better, I think. But its just good ;)
Nice and catchy beat! The transitions could be better, I think. But its just good ;)
Sounds like it's not mastered and it sounds like it's made too fast ;) And maybe more beats will make it better. ;) But however it's not bad at all ;D
Thanks for the review
Wow, nice song. I love your upload rate :D More music to listen to!! Keep it up!!!
Wow nice track. And again an awesome Waterflame song!! I really see a waiting room in front of meh mind :D
Holy ****! You're doing good and good every time! These songs inspires me for my own songs. Just keep it up the awesome work man!! Just a question, what 8-bit plugin do you use?
Nice used beats! I love it how you mixed it. Keep up the good work!
Epic!! Good song. I had my headphones on. When it starts, I scared my **** off lol. I had the volume a bit too high xD.So, you have got Izotope Ozone? Have you bought it?
Good beat and catchy! It has a bit of videogame, i think. I like it. Keep up the good work!
Thanks, man! I'll be making lots more, don't worry! :)
Nice! Cool pad you've got in there. btw, It's a bit repetitive... In my opinion.
Yeah I probably could have added a lead to spice it up a bit. Cheers
Epic! Nice sound mixing and good beats!
Thanks man. =)