Good remix. But more beats will make this song better ;D It's so... same. Only at the beginning I hear a bit of Sexy and I know it.
Good remix. But more beats will make this song better ;D It's so... same. Only at the beginning I hear a bit of Sexy and I know it.
Yeah, thanks for the response. I did make the start a bit too short.
As this only my second time of trying to make a long bit, still getting my head into the beats and choose what should be in. But thanks for the response.
Still one of your best. It was worth the 64 hours!
This song deserve to be frontpaged!
One of your bests!
Yeah, I love it. So happy and good! It's pity that it's short ;D
Hang over and enjoy. I think your friend is in good mood now! ;D
Haha, she's feeling much better. Thanks for the vote!
This is one of your best remixes! Just pure awesomeness!
Nice loop! I kinda love it! This is good for a videogame menu or something!
I say: Keep it up!
A good tip: "to listen to the music you are making constantly.
If it doesn't irritate you, its Ok.
Nice! Can't wait to hear the full version! Good drumloop and I love the bassline! At first i thought there was a crash in this song. But when I listened the 2nd time I heard that there was no crash :P
Hey man, really glad you like it! :-)
I've got it to about twice the length of the clip now, but I really want to make it shine with glitchy FX and fills and what not. I hope I'll get it right. :3
Thanks for reviewing!