1/3 beat. Yes, I knew it would happen <3 It sounds really awesome.
1/3 beat. Yes, I knew it would happen <3 It sounds really awesome.
Yup thanks :D
I never listen to metal... Really... Never. But... this made me change my mind in a very good way.
Ahh that's awesome! The conversion process has started ;)
What was it that made you change your mind? Could you PM me?
Good work johnfn! It is definitely complexer than mine. Something I didn't like were the lowticks from the start pluck at 0:03 and further. I can indeed hear you rushed this one for example that part at 1:40-1:57. Overall I like most of the sounds, they are really awesome. The part at 2:48 is the best thing of the song, quite energetic but with a nice melody and some superb drum mixing.
I do wish you goodluck in the competition! To be honest, you did better than me. (:
Thanks AeronMusic! Don't sell yourself short, your song is hecka catchy and good. You really have a knack for good melodies, you know that? ;-) Anyways, I'm glad you liked my track :)
Wow this is great. Some synths may be too strong in this song. But I really like the sound of them. The part at 0:28 is simple amazing and so well done... Like, well fuckin done. I can listen continously to that part. Props on that.
Nothing much to point, but pity of that automation fail at 2:46-2:47. I also don't like the ending melody.
I like this one, especially around 0:32 which sounds so amazing and energetic. I don't really know but I think the piano in the start is a bit distorted. Just a little bit.
I also like how the transitions are. They are very smooth. Although, the song does not loop very well.
I haven't got much to notice, only at 1:13-1:31; the low rhythmic percussion in the background sounds somehow annoying and off beat, in my opinion.
Very good work Step. I indeed look forward for the newer version!
It's a very echo-y piano with lots of reverb so maybe the reverb tails of each note are clashing to create some kind of distortion? I dunno. I personally love its sound but you might be right!
Like I said below, I'm really not sure why it isn't looping right. In theory I did everything correctly! I'll probably go back to it eventually and play around until I get the loop right. Shame you don't like 1:13's percussion, I think it's pretty cool. To each his own!
Thanks a million for the review. I really appreciate your feedback!
/quickest response ever.
This is one song I like. Reminds me of some game tunes back in the past. I love the tune at 2:08. Really good! Those chords in my left ear, very lovely! I would say the drums are a bit low in volume, especially the snare. I like the bass and its stereo, but it's quite loud.
That pad-like sound at 2:26 is so damn chill. Very nice one.
Cool work. I really come back to listen again. (:
Thanks :)
Points noted. I already elaborated a little about that in response to Step, but thanks for pointing it out in a little more detail, helps me look for the errors.
Glad you also like it
Thanks man, you're the first one making something that's inspired by my style. I really appreciate that! Gives me a huge boost to make some more! :D
So this song has a cool melody. It definitely got some of my style in it.
I think you did a good job on the progression. The bassdrum is kinda hard which pushes the other synths away in the mix. Try giving sounds and synths more space. I can hear when there is no bass, the synths and even the drums get a lot louder. Hear the difference at 3:40 and 4:50.
Well again, never expected someone being inspired by me. I thank you big! *internet handshake* (:
You're welcome! Thanks for the helpful review!
I probably did make the bass drum a bit too strong. I've still got a lot to learn when it comes to mixing, so thanks for the advise!
I'm glad you enjoyed the song, you make some amazing music, and I'd love to collab in the future!
*internet handshake*
You just summed up the whole festifart bigshit scene. 11/10
make me an epic bigroom demo 2 send 2 spinnin for free
Hah the start was funny. Like you have Skrillex performing with an orchestral band or so, although the classical instruments are from a vst, right? I would say it's dubstep with some generic wubs/growls. Did you make the sounds on your own or are they presets? I do like how you mixed them. Not bad! The piano melody is cool and fits well with the wubs/growls. And than that humorous ending, haha...
All in all, I liked it. Good work.
I make my own sounds xD And the classical instruments were patches in FL Studio, although I'm sure it would have sounded better if I had used a classical VST x.x Thank you for the review! :D Good luck to you in the competition!