You made this all of loops? Or is there something you made by yourself?
Sound cool, though! :)
You made this all of loops? Or is there something you made by yourself?
Sound cool, though! :)
Made with loops and FX's
I disagree with some comments below. But in some i do agree. Also, I saw you working on a better track on YouTube! Hope you'll finish that one. Its 100 times better than this one! :)
Some glitchy chippy techno. :D Really like this style!
Hells yeah! Thank you ^^ I'm happy you liek it :D
Awsome re-edit.
What do you use for your bass in this song (What vst)? Its so nice!!
using allot of nexus plucks and stabb bass sounds to get this bass!
Hey Norato dude! Thought you stopped uploading on NG? Well better you dont!
This arcade track is cool! Like it much!
well, theres a lot of haters that are actually 0 bombing every track I made and I think that its not neccesery to upload songs here when they get about 50 plays u know. But still, sometimes I upload here latest track in hope that these as*holes r gone.
Absolutely love it around 2:10! I like psytrance in that way really much! Sounds good for a background theme as in a scary shooting game. I didn't like the lead at 2:47. It doesnt fit imo. The bassline is cool and sounds really good for a trance song. Only you could add a variation in the bassline. Its repetitve.
At 1:20, a random squeezing sound appeared. Don't know what to say about it.... it sounds lame. Then you get the tape stop at 1:46 - 1:52, when it ends, a new part starts like its roughly pasted after the stop.
Also, some parts are really getting strange. Like in the beginning with the crushed bits and the end. These don't fit too. :s
Well, keep it up.
Glad you enjoyed inspite of all but twenty seconds meeting with your approval :3
Well, kind of a strange trance song to me. Nice piano.
Around 2:10 its getting off key. Especially in the gated pad.
I tried to experiment with this song and try something different with the gated pads. I'm skilled at piano but I tried to mix the two melodies together to get a different feel. Not something for everyone but I appreciate the constructive criticism :)