Lol nice! I think youve used NI Massive for the wub. I really like the vocals too. Nothing much to say about the bad side. Well done.
Lol nice! I think youve used NI Massive for the wub. I really like the vocals too. Nothing much to say about the bad side. Well done.
Thanks for the review, man.
Truth be told, I used Image-Line's Sytrus for the wub.
The siren sound at 1:55 haha. 1:59 is FUCKN BOSS.
BOOOOOSSSSSSS :D haha yea i just love the siren hahaha
Haha omg. Dat bass boost in my headset. LOL. Good work! Whats anti-climax by the way?
Haha yea i told you!! i love subwoofers!!
and im glad it boosts in your headset aswell lol
anti-clamixing is like it says lol
its ANTI klimax (negative) in a positive and explosive way,
so lets say you have a beautiful/harmonic melody going on with a nice build up using snares or pitch or whatever you like, and suddenly you DROP, extreme sounds/bass/percussion whatever you feel like it needs
instead of the melody you where playing before.. like in normal Trance music.
its frequently used by: KhomHa, Markus Schulz, Ferry Corsten, Showtek and way way more artists in the same charts.
an anti-climax can also be a part of your intro.. if the intro is hard enough tho.. so yea basically this will be my intro wether you believe it or not. and also anti-climax lol
this kind of bas is also EXTREMELY awsome when you own studio speakers lol
lets just say i can feel every bass hit thumping through my floor, walls, windows and what not to mention lol.
PS: wanneer wil je de collab starten? (ik heb alle tijd de komende weken)
Very relaxing... hmmm. If you are in for a collab with me, PM then! :)
haha maybe i will soon. who knows lol
Nice man! I love your clean mastering as always! Well done!
as always, thats the part i love most. clean mastering ftw