Tuna... Heavy dubstep here. I like it. Those drops are too awesome. I don't know why some people don't like it!
Tuna... Heavy dubstep here. I like it. Those drops are too awesome. I don't know why some people don't like it!
Awesome shit man! Epic!!
What I know about this song: You've used FL Studio to create this, you used sytrus and a sytrus preset called tamal, 170 bpm, i think :)
Spot on!
Some point are off-key... bleugh... annoying vocals adn they are also off-key, really.
No... this is definitely not techno. Sounds like videogame. Parts that starts at 1:44 is too loud and sound very weird. You should master that. Song is not bad at all. It has some catchy beats! Keep it up!
I'm still not sure on how these "genre" work. Video game to me is from an actual video game or 'remixed' from a video game. If New-grounds had accurate genre, or more selections, then this would be under "experimental" or "chiptune/8bit".
But, thank you for the response. I'll keep a keen eye out for what genre I place my compositions under.
Quality is pretty bad. But the song is good! Maybe a bit more mastering... the snareroll is to overpowered.
This song made me giggle... don't know why... very funny beats :P
The end is Epic as hell :D Overall, it's a good song. btw, Junkbot... It remember me something... I don't know what... Wait... that old LEGO game, XD funny game that it was. Good old times :)
Thanks man! but there's no reference here :P in fact the junk bot I had in mind was a little more intimidating than the lego junkbot :p