Epic track dude. The transition in this song are more than epic. Good luck with everything you create and keep it cool ;)
Epic track dude. The transition in this song are more than epic. Good luck with everything you create and keep it cool ;)
Thanks man :D ! i will 8)
Nice. It has a nice going-on beat. You really put some effort in this. The sweeping pad sounds also very neat. prog-rock-teckno-jazz? hmm sounds also a bit trancy. I should say progressivetechnotrancejazzrock xD
Thanks for your response.
hmm... progressivetechnotrancejazzrock, has a nice ring to it, but it keeps coming up on my spell checker and incorrect.
It's probably good that I don't get a vote, because I'm sick of hearing this tune. lol
Netjes zeer netjes! Beat is bit repitive if I'm right, but the beat is cool, awsome and catchy. Only you could add some more instruments, like a arp, I like arps :). btw, This is the Techno I really like. Well done and keep it up
thanks. and if u like this kind of techno then you should check out my techno songs ;)
I think you must hear a bit better, because most points are totally offkey. I like the beat and the drumloop is well done, but this isn't dubstep...
Thanks mate, you're right, several instruments were totally detuned... I'm gonna reupload this once it's revamped.
Well done! But it sounds so... surround-ish with my earphones on. Too much stereo i think xD. Nothing much to say. It's kind! Keep up the work!
I'm glad you like it. I'll cut down on the stereo next time.
Too many reverb in the kick. Funny beats aswell. Good job.
Wow it's awesome!! Gj on the sidechaining ;) Those sound effects made the whole song complete :) Your best song till now! Keep it up man!!
(double review ftw xD)
Wow thanks for the kind words!! It's become my personal favourite so I'm glad you think so too! :D
This IS awesome! Nice sounds and catchy beat!! I would remix this!
Only with harmor... Nice :) You made the presets by yourself or not? Song is nice. Catchy and good mastered. Well earned 5, sir :)
Yeah i made some of the presets by myself but not all the synths :) I'm glad you liked it! :)
Really good, nothing much to say. I'm sure you will win this. The transition from 2:27 to 2:29 is epic. Sounds and synths are very neat, really good mastered!! Beat is catchy... This work is just awesome! Keep it up man! :D Holland ftw!
Thanks a lot, my fellow landmate! ;)