
576 Audio Reviews

406 w/ Responses

You too? Everytime when I'm trying to start a song it turns out like trash. It's really annoying if you can't come up with a new song... But still, this song is amazing. I like the distorted guitars and even the wub sounds haha. At 1:59 the background sound which goes on with the beat is very catchy. This song is quite special with its melody and mixing. Also at 1:12 it seems like the guitar is performing live lol as in a concert and youre listening from a little distance :D. At 1:34 the guitar (not the one in the background) does remember me of a song from a Call of Duty game.
Well, this was it. Did you use wave files for the guitars by the way?
Oh and as always; Excellent work Dutty! You never disappoint your fans!

DuttonsaysHi responds:

Yep :c I guess once you get to a certain point you start expecting so much out of yourself that you expect something to be above a certain quality to qualify as a "good song", but I guess as a result we make better things as a result :3 I should hope so anyway O_o.

And thanks a bunch man ^^ Your kind words about the guitar sure are reassuring! The main filtered rhythm guitar is an acoustic guitar soundfont. I played a chord in time with the beat to make it sound like it was strumming. You are correct with the guitar at 1:12! I played it completely live with my guitar :3 I wanted to try some guitar sliding, so I got some copper pipes and played this slippery solo over the backing track, which is why it sounds out at times. I wanted to go for that sloppy, distorted "I don't give a f**k" kinda play style, as if a bandit trucker was lying on top of his truck playing his guitar in the blazing heat. But no, if you're asking did I use any pre-made guitar samples for the guitars then no. The guitars are soundsfonts and my very own guitar :).

I haven't played a call of duty game since mw2 I'm afraid :c Do you have a name/link to the song? I'd like to actually hear it for myself :3.

Thanks for the kind words man ^^ always makes my day when you take the time to leave reviews like this!

Omg, so frikkin epic. I like the melodie, it's so catchy especially with the layered vocals :3. U should do some more songs like this! What did u use for the plucks in the start?

OcularNebula responds:

it's a nexus preset called bullet time, with mids boosted (~400Hz-600Hz)

i think it's supposed to be an arp, but I used it as a pluck!

lol, I always upload a song when you upload a song xD Indeed chilling me out. Its so calm and peaceful, like sitting in a field of grass, thinking of nothing, life's good. This also remembers me of one nintendo game, only forgot the name of it. Good work WF!

A "cock"tail of etc... cock, balls, much? That was very well done. Good song tho.

I dont like your username haha xD not bad at all. quite some mastering probs in here. also wtf ending lol. one of the weirdest one ive heard in time :) I also started at 13th age with FL.

Quite good, not that bad at all. Guitar gets slighly repetitive. Also the guitar in the start has a weird melody/tune lol. Besides that, I think the guitar in the background needs a real boost. Some more power in the guitar would be very awesome, more distortion and that stuff. Funny vocals too: ''bum bum bum bum bum bum ba badum bum ba" haha. I like how to vocals are synched to the guitar lol. Thats good. The drums are nicely done too. Also the drums are looping way too same. Some different hits would have put more variation in the song, you know?

I dont know if your new to audio. If u like classic instruments (pianos, guitars, violins) with electronic, you should defenitely check out my audio :) Especially my song called: "Engage". Thanks! And well, keep up with your audio. You should take some time and create a full length song of 3 or 4 mins.

ChandlerThompson responds:

I really appreciate the review, dude! I can definitely seem where you're coming from as far as the repetitiveness of the song goes, I can hopefully hone my skills in that department. I'm glad you liked the vocals among other aspects of the song! Also thank you for the scout request!

Hey you ❤
Contact => aeronmusic@pm.me

Aron @AeronMusic

Age 26, Male


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